Friday, September 23, 2011

In class we read "sinners in the hands of an angry god by Jonathan Edwards, one of the most important puritans’ ministers in history. The reading was about how god punished sinning people when they make him angry, for example it shows how he holds increasing water that increases as he gets angry but he holds it and he would let it loose and flood everyone if he can't take no more. Also it showed how every time you sinned gods bow would bent the arrow, and point the arrow folder to your hearth until he has gotten enough then, swish. I think this Avery scary sermon for the ones hearing at the time. I think John Edwards intended to scare the people (the puritans) on purpose. He tried to change them to live without sinning. Which is impossible, but could have probably worked because of the fear they had in them since they taught it was true. They would think that because they didn’t know nothing then it was prohibited for them to write anything else than the bible.

Friday, September 16, 2011

There goes the neighborhood

Almost everyone knows that not everyone gets along with each other and that there is always going to be a conflict between people. I remember one time in my neighborhood when people didn’t get along and they always kept fighting till someone was forced to move out. I live by 24th st and Damen ave a somewhat calm neighborhood in the middle of little village and pilsen. Someone had just moved in, in the apartment in front of my house. The apartment consisted of two floors and was owned by an old man that survived on the rent and what his sons gave him.

The guy that moved in was a twenty-six year old man with his wife and his five year old daughter. The people that already lived there were an active gang member that was already very problematic, with his girlfriend. So what happened was that after a month of the “new” people moving in there had already been many fights verbally between both of the men because of the gang member actions. One of the fights happened because of the gang member had a party in the weekend with really loud music that almost could be heard through the whole neighborhood. So the man angry because he couldn’t let him sleep so he went down and asked the guy but the guy was under the influence of alcohol and he also got angry so they started a brawl. This caused a big commotion in the neighborhood and the neighborhood convinced the owner of the apartment to take the gang member out of the house so they neighborhood could be safer.
Well this was something big that happened and this normally happens in every neighborhood when people come in that are very problematic in a calm neighborhood

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Hello my name is Javier Campos I am currently a sophomore in Whitney M. Young Magnet High School a selective enrollment school in Chicago. I was born in Phoenix, Arizona, but I have spent fourteen years (out of my fifteen) in Chicago.  I have three siblings two sisters and one brother, with me being the oldest. That’s one thing that I kind of not like of me, because it is a lot of responsibility and it does take a bunch of time. The good things about having brothers and sisters is that you have company, you have someone to fight with (not really, we just complain with each other), and because they can be a big help in everything almost always . Something that I like to do is playing sports, mainly soccer. I am currently in the J.V. soccer team in Whitney Young. Another thing that I would like to do is biking. I used to be in competitions when I was nine but it didn't, go that well.  So I hope I have a good school year, better than last one which went well but didn’t go how I expected, and I hope we have a good soccer season.